The post is Tuskar Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"
To Start With:
Item Build Justification:Grab three branches for cheap stats and later for a magic wand. One salve and a tango for healing. Take a QB if you dont have the control of the lane. Take a Stick if you want to play more aggresively. Normally heroes like Chen or Rylai buy the ward. You should just place. But if they dont buy one by yourself instead of QB.Core Build
Power Treads Over Phase:
You have enough slows. You have enough base movement speed. You benefit from damage well, but power treads gives you stats and some AS which you so badly need.
Branches upgraded to wand. Some people said that you should skip Urn and Bottle for an early armlet. GET A BOTTLE BEFORE ARMLET! You are a ganker which needs mana. Without bottle, you cannot gank.
Janggo is a very good item for gankers. Mainly, use it after Snowballing to chase the enemy more easily. Its MS and AS boost is AoE, so it synergies with Snowball well. In rare situations, you can use it before Snowball to increase Snowballs speed, if the Snowball normally cannot catch enemy in 3 seconds. Use it while escaping to boost MS. Janggo+Sigil makes you almost unchaseable. The stats are very nice too.
Armlet is a really good option. It gives you cheap HP and damage. You are an initiator so you need HP. Your Ultimate hits critical. Armlet gives you both (insane HP and damage) only for 2600 gold. Absolute core.
Tuskar is a ganker and its gankers role to ward.
IMPORTANT: The cleave and your ultimate STACKS.
After armlet, you have enough HP and should aim damage items. BFury gives you +65 damage for only 4400 gold. It also gives you mana regeneration which you lack and cleave helps you to farm between ganks.
Thanks to dominator02 for the cleave mechanics!
Desolator gives +60 damage and -6 armor. You are aiming to get damage and Armor Reduction boosts your damage output. Desolator gives you BOTH.
On the other hand, Satanic, can also be an option. Desolator is a glass cannon item, which means it doesnt gives any EHP (EHP is boosted by armor or HP or evasion). As an initiator you also need EHP. The lifesteal it gives is the best in the game. Even though lifesteal is not your first priority, it helps you a lot.
RESULT: It depends on your role in the game. If you are the damage dealer and no one in your team has a Desolator, get Desolator. If one of your teammates has a Desolator (-6 Armor doesnt stack from multiple Desolators) and you need more survivability instead of damage, get Satanic.
This item is actually a situational item but I wanted to put it after Satanic. If you bought Satanic instead of Desolator, this is a useful item (You wont be upgrading it to Skadi). If you are having difficulties chasing enemies, get this item.
Assault Cuirass is a very good item on Tuskar. So far you should have insane damage but low AS. It gives you %40+15 AS. Its -5 Armor Aura synergizes well with your ultimate and the auras are a good support for your team. It also increases your EHP greatly, because you have 2000+ HP.
If there is a hero with evasion skills or Butterfly you need this item. Yes, Walrus Punch doesnt miss, but you also need your auto attack. It is the item which gives most damage (+88) in the game (except Divine) by the way.
This item should only be bought in late game. This item gives three things:
-Raw HP (~1000)
-Damage (+35)
-Regenaration (%2 HP/sec)
You are only interested in HP because there are better alternatives for damage and regenaration will not aid you in combat, which is the only important thing that you do in late game.
To sum up, you buy this item if you need more survivability and wouldnt say no to a little bit damage.
Situational Items
If a burst damage hero like Mortred, Clinkz or Ursa farmes too much, the only way to counter them is Blademail. Mortred can still chop through you with Satanic though. Otherwise a cheap item which can only bought for its nice damage, Int and armor boost if you have a fetish with spikes.
If your team has a lot of hard carries and needs disables, but lack them, get this item. Endless mana supply and good stats, but of course 3.5 second hex.
The armor increases your EHP greatly and unlimited mana. The Arctic Blast is the main purpose of buying this item which is a AoE Nuke&Slow. Helps greatly in team clashes.
If the opposite team has a lot of disablers or if all of them farmed Sheepstick AND if they seem to have taken a liking to you, buy this. Summary: Very, very situational item.
One of the coolest items in game. Even though it synergizes well with your skills, I didnt put it to the Extensions, because it is situational (means I am gonna use a lot of "if"). If the game didnt go well, (either you followed this guide and it sucks or you suck or the opposing team is uber pro) or if the opposing team has a lot of Invisible heroes, (Gondar, Rikimaru, Treant etc) buy this item. Str boost is huge and Int bonus is always welcomed.
IF (it is gonna be over soon) the opposing team is taking care of your team with AoE nukes (Crystal Maiden, Thrall etc) AND if there is no natural Hood carriers in your team (Axe, Centaur etc) buy this item.
This newly introduced item reduces enemy armor temporarily. It is a pretty good setup for your ganks and your ultimate.
Rejected Items
There is a reason why this item is rejected:
When two Critical Strikes proc at the same time only the last acquired will work, a skill is considered acquired when the first level is learned, and an item is considered acquired when it's picked up.
The red number shown by Critical Strike is displayed before reductions (this is why images don't show very low red numbers)
Thanks to dominator02 for pointing it out!
I thought it was necessary to put Aghanim to Rejected ones, because someone mentioned it in comments. Its Simple: Doesnt work with Tuskar.
I know you are a burst damage hero, but Dagon really is useless on you. You have some nice slows, a bash, a ultimate which hits with Cri, why buy Dagon instead of physical DPS items?
Even though you have mana problems in early game, your mana pool is enough in mid-late game. You are not a spammer and your skills dont use much mana. If you want raw HP, go buy a HoT, or maybe you dont need raw HP?
MoM should not be bought on Tuskar. Yes, it gives life steal to balance armlet, yes it gives AS which Tuskar lacks, and yes it gives MS which helps you chase. The only problem with this item is extra damage taken. The extra damage also limits the lifesteal of this item. As an initiator, you must have some EHP. MoM drastically reduces your EHP. For attack speed there is Assault and for lifesteal Satanic. As the game goes on it, this item loses effectiveness and in the end it just becomes a burden.
Money is not the meaning of life. But rolling in a Snowball with 4 of your friends towards an unsuspecting victim is.
Gives too little damage and AS boost for 3300 gold. Invisible Break Damage Bonus doesnt stack with Walrus Punch and you do not desperately need the wind walk it gives thanks to Frozen Sigil.
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Tuskar Skill Build