The post is Rubick Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"
Core items: Other boots are simply not good enough for Rubick. He is constantly ganking, and needs more mana. Later replace these with Boots of Travel. If no ganker gets this, feel free to get one. It will improve ganking abilities, and gives cheap regeneration. However, dont start with this item, you need some stats via branches and mantles. Gives some much needed health, and free salves. Get it if you dont have bottle, or noone else in team has Urn. Instant heal is imba. In team battles, charges fill in like mad with all the spells flying around. Some stats arent bad. Later can be turned into Dagon. |
Now that you know what to do, lets see what to get! Rubick farms well with his Bolt, allowing him to get some nice high-tier items. Father of all dissables... This item is a must when playing versus good hard carry. However, if all enemies are low-damage dealers, no chaneling spells, etc. you may skip it for some more usefull items. Same as guinsoo, except its cheaper, and has cyclone instead of turn into sheep. This item comes in small, cheap components, and is useful against spellcasters, or heroes that have gamebreaking skills. It can also be used to counter Maginas blink. Rubick is AoE spellcaster, and this item improves him even more! Also grants nice slow. Item great in ganking. It loses effectivness later in game, so if you fail to get it by minute 20, focus yourself on getting shiva instead. Never upgrade dagon. 100 extra damage (plus reduced by magic resistance) isn't worth 1350 gold! New item, and to tell you the truth, its great! Amplifies all magic damage, and thats where you specialise. Get it if your team has at least one more spellcaster, and you have Dagon already. You are ganker, so you shouldnt get this... but you can, if no other player in team has it. Worth the price! If you are fighting an all spellcaster team, get this. Your team will love you. Falling easily onto disables? Get this! There are some spells they can use on you, but they wont deal damage. You steal those spells, and make them pay for their boldness! Rubick has low health, so this could be thing he just needs. I dont recomend it however, it only slows down your core. Get it at your own risk. Against single disabler it can work ok. Gives some nice stats and regen. Get it if you can aford it. You are number 1 targer of enemies most of times, because you can wreak havoc! I suggest getting this if that is case. But remember, always stay back, you arent tank! Mobility is also an important factor. Both Dagger and Force staff are very useful. With dagger you can easily blink, evading stuns, chasing enemies, etc. Force Staff has little less uses (you can't evade stun with it, but you can push self even if you were hit within last 3 seconds), but gives stats, and comes in small pieces. Bloodstone and Heart are good survivability items. Get them if you are focused down in team battles. I think Heart is a better choice, since you have all the mana you need from Shiva and Arcane Boots, yet still lack health. Skadi is ultimate item Rybic can have. It gives him a lot of health, mana, and cold attack making killing enemies a lot easier. However, i advise you to get some items like Shiva and Guinsoo first. |
REJECTED ITEMS: DPS items are useless on Rubick! He is ganker, spellcaster and support, not carry! Rubick doesn't need orbs to be effective, and they slow down his more important Luxury items. Diffusal blade can be used for ganking, however i do not recommend it. You got farming spell, and its enough for your needs! Also, you arent tanky enough to use Radiance! Aghanim may be Rubicks parent, but Aghanims scepter is useless on this hero still... Maybe it will be improved in next version? (I would like to see Rubick taking his allies spells with Aghanim |
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