The post is Gondar Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"
:Item Build:
This is my usual starting-build. Ogre Gauntlets, Circlet, GG Branch, and 6x Tangos. OR
I suggest finding a lane with an ally that has a Basilius as it will indefinitely help you with early on mana problems. If you are unable to lane with a RoB-user, then I suggest you get a few Clarities instead of the Ogre Gauntlets. You want to quickly get Boots, as your primary purpose is to move around quickly and gank. Building a Bracer or two is another important step in your progress as you are fairly fragile otherwise. While out on your lane, you can also buy a Magic Stick from your shop (then later upgrade it). It's an amazing item in almost any line-up since you can recover quite a lot of mana from teamfights and ganks -- which you will be constantly apart of.
You may also choose to start off with a Bottle, which can solve some of your mana problems; although this is purely preference. In most cases you'll get Magic Wand -- making bottle unnecessary half the time. Just weigh out, depending on the enemy line-up what your best option is.
My next few items are highly situational. Often times I end up getting Intelligence Treads to help out with mana costs; as it also gives a hefty attack speed bonus and can later be switched to Agility to help my DPS. My recommended generic build would be as follows:
Stygian is an obvious choice. You need pure damage and there's none better than good old Stygian for that. A single bracer should be fine, but if you're starting to die or need to go back to base a lot, you might want to build another one.
After you complete Stygian I'd immediately grab your Vladamir's so you can recovery from damage quickly in neutrals (just don't overstay your welcome there) and deal with general mana problems; or your Perseverance if you decide to go with that instead. The damage bonus is also not too bad. If another teammate is already going for Vlad's, you may want to consider just sticking around with him and not wasting your money on another one. Like insinuated above, a perfectly good alternate to Vladamir's Offering is the Perseverance.
TIP: Always keep around a Scroll of Town Portal on hand unless you have Boots of Travel. They can help you escape from nasty situations, move around for ganks, and instantly defend towers!
Your next major item is going to be Monkey King Bar after Vladamir's (Or Perseverance) and Desolator are complete. It grants amazing damage output and works terribly well with Critical Strike for that reason alone. After MKB you might want to consider Assault for even more negative armor and attack speed, or Black King Bar to become invulnerable to nukes for several seconds so you can unleash your full damage potential -- just remember you're only a semi-carry with amazing early-game ganking potential; so don't get caught-up in what high-priced items you should be getting. If the game persists long enough, Battlefury is feasible when pushing becomes far more vital than hero killing; but while ganking still plays a role it's unnecessary.
[Additional Item Breakdown]
[Verdict: Yes]
FANTASTIC item to get after Stygian -- in fact it's, in my opinion, the perfect next option. There are even situations where I'd recommend SKIPPING Stygian for this beautiful halberd. It gives you massive +80 damage and 15% IAS, giving you some fierce DPS in addition to the ministun, and it COMPLETELY counters dodge heroes.
[Verdict: Yes]
Black King Bar allows you unleash hell on your enemies without the risk of being disabled, but is setting you back 3,800 gold for only a small amount of damage and life otherwise. I do not recommend building this until you have at least 2 to 3 solid (4000+ gold) DPS items; otherwise you're just distracting from your main purpose as DPS. Never forget your main role as Gondar -- a DPS-heavy ganker.
[Verdict: Yes]
Since your focus will be negative Armor with Stygian/Track, Assault can significantly boost this and supply you with a big burst of armor and attack speed. You'll also be helping out the team with your auras which is a plus. It also recently got a price reduction, furthermore making the item viable.
[Verdict: Yes]
As TheImagination pointed out, Orchid is actually a pretty viable item to build after Desolator. The main reason I first saw problems building this late-game was by then you don't really have enough mana-problems to be specifically building an intelligence item and Orchid's 200 mana cost might be hard to tie in, but since it gives you the regeneration it works out OK. Either way, Orchid provides damage and attack speed and you can silence enemies, meaning that you pretty much rule 1v1 fights and you can completely shut down one of their casters. The best part is that Orchid can be built in tiny pieces, so even if you're having a rough time getting your Desolator mid-game you can attempt to build Orchid instead and be somewhat supportive to your team and spam Shurikens/Track appropriately until you can afford Desolator.
DIFFUSAL BLADE (3300 GOLD)(+850 to upgrade)
[Verdict: Situational]
As an alternate to Stygian altogether, Diffusal is actually a great item. It provides Agility (which you need) intelligence (which helps) mana burn, and most importantly Purge. If you don't think you're very farmed or that you don't want to attempt to Carry your team this is a nice supportive item for Purging enemies; especially dangerous steroid ultimates or nasty buffs like Repel. The fact that this item can be upgraded to restock charges is what truly makes Diffusal viable. However, do NOT get Diffusal if you plan on Stygian -- orbs don't stack and you'd be wasting a perfectly good effect.
WARNING: Using Purge will remove Track's buff! Make sure to purge the enemy first, then Track -- or Re-track!
[Verdict: Yes]
As an alternative to Black King Bar, and if you decided to go with Perseverance instead of Vladmir's, Linken's Sphere is a fantastic item on Gondar. Not only will it completely eliminate your mana problems, it makes your enemies less likely to target you with spells once they realize you have linkens. It can also totally save your ass during a gank by stopping something like a long stun or a dangerous single-target nuke.
[Verdict: Maybe]
Many people are a big fan of Sange & Yasha, and I'll somewhat agree that it's a fairly nice item for Gondar -- but I have several reasons it's easily replaceable by Stygian or MKB when concentrating on your DPS role. Here's a comparative analysis between Stygian and Sange & Yasha:
Simply put, SnY can be seen as a situational preference item. I don't directly recommend it -- but it can be helpful in certain match-ups.
[Verdict: Maybe]
The ability to teleport is always a big plus, and the extra movement speed is killer -- especially with track. I've seen plenty of people grab this and do great, but the problem is that it's not only pricey -- it doesn't give you any damage output. You also cannot benefit from the ability to have Intelligence Treads earlier on when you really need the extra 130 mana. I can't necessarily say no to this item, but I don't necessarily recommend it.
[Verdict: Maybe]
Way back in 6.61b they used to give armor and damage, but now that they flat-out give pure bonus damage and more MS than Treads they are definitely worth considering. The extra 10% MS can really help you chase down enemies, albeit Windwalk already provides a phasing-effect. You'll suffer from the lack of mana/attack speed that you'll get from Treads but depending on your play-style it may be alright -- especially if you're getting a lot of charges out of your Stick.
[Verdict: Maybe]
While not necessarily a bad choice, Gondar is a DPS-Ganker and doesn't really need the Evasion from butterfly so it's essentially a wasted effect. If you're farming really well, however, you can get these instead of or after MKB.
[Verdict: No]
Honestly this item is a waste of an inventory slot on most heroes, but on Gondar it's actually quite possible. The main problem is that it doesn't grant any real good DPS for an offensive item, setting you back over 3000 gold for an item that has a chance to stun. If you have tried bash and like it, then you might want to give it a shot -- but in my opinion it distracts from your core items and Gondar simply doesn't have enough attack speed to pull it off effectively.
[Verdict: No]
Life-steal is a powerful asset on many heroes, but if you decide to get these items you are sacrificing a lot of cash for items that barely give any DPS at all. Mask of Madness is nice on some heroes, but Corruption Orb works significantly better for Gondar. However, because critical strike stacks with LS these items should definitely be looked into. I grab Vladamir's Offering because I can have my cake and eat it too -- I don't have to sacrifice Stygian to get lifesteal. So, do not take MoM/HotD/Satanic to get lifesteal -- instead stick to Vlad's.
[Verdict: No]
Due to Manta's high mana cost and cooldown, not to mention Gondar's low max life, Illusions aren't very helpful. You don't really -need- most of the bonuses this gives you, and since you're probably going to grab Stygian it's not as if Illusions amplify your orb. Don't bother with this item at all now that it was remade.
[Verdict: No]
Items like Dagon and Book are pretty nifty for ganking heroes, but I personally think they're a waste. Once you hit Mid-Late game the effectiveness of these items will be significantly reduced, and if you got them you'll have a very hard time dealing physical damage. Neither Necronomicon or Dagon complement Jinada, but book DOES complement your Track somewhat because demons do physical damage. The problem with Book, however, is that it grants a Truesight Aura that you simply don't need -- which is just another effect gone to waste. Not to mention that Dagon requires a LOT of mana at level 1, and you'll find that just sticking to Shuriken would be way better. I'd strongly recommend that you stay away from these items on Gondar; even if they seem awesome at first.
[Verdict: No]
Jinada already gives you Critical Strike, so don't bother with these either.
[Verdict: No]
Do not bother getting farming items since your main purpose is to GANK. If you honestly need to do a little farming in the jungle during down-times, Stygian's DPS will allow you to take care of neutral creeps pretty fast anyways. If you want to farm, go play a different hero; as Gondar isn't the most effective farmer anyways. Keep in mind that, late-game, Battlefury can be used as a means to anti-push if you fail to carry your team.
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Hi, cool guide. Keep it up.
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