The post is Jakiro Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"
I already mentioned THD isn't item-dependant. Hence it doesn't really matter what you get. Get whatever your team needs. That being said, i still want to give you a general guideline, because even if you think your team needs a Battlefury, it probably doesn't. At least not on you.
Starting items:
Jakiro is most likely gonna be the designated support hero, so you will probably buy chicken or wards. the branches will be turned into wand later, and basic regen is self-explicable. In case you don't have to buy chicken or wards, just get a gauntlet for urn.
Seems very cheap for a core, right? Well it is. You really dont necessarily NEED more for your hero to work. which is one of the reasons why you will most likely spend a good deal of your cash on wards. The obligatory wand for some cheap stats and its awesome active and the newly introduced Urn of Shadows. This item is the shit on pretty much every support hero, Jakiro is no exception. Manaregen, HP, and its active ability make it a worthwhile investment. Bottle is optional, only get it if you're soloing mid, ganking a lot or don't have any good bottle-carriers in your team. "Bottle-crowing" (using a crow to constantly refill your botte at the fountain) is a very cost-effective way to keep spamming Dual Breath during laning. Basilius is optional as well, get it when you really have trouble with physical damage and arent aiming for mek, or when youre aiming for vlads anyway.
Possible extensions:
Just because you don't NEED more doesn't mean you can't GET more. THD is a great farmer and will get some cash.
- Mekansm provides you with moar armor, and THDs intelligence is high enough to cope with the manacost. the most common extension for jakiro, you can't really go wrong with it. *RECOMMENDED*
- Vlads will make use of that basilius of yours, gives a little more armor, some pushing power and hopefully help some allied melee heroes.
- Pipe is gonna help Jakiro a lot against spells, he has high hp so the resistance will be more effective on him compared to most other supports, and the active is very useful against teams with lots of AoE nukes (like yourself for example)
- Blink is a great item, and nearly every hero can make good use of it. It's not crucial for Jakiro, but it certainly helps in landing his spells for maximum effect.
- Euls provides cheap manaregen, movement speed and the cyclone. not particularly great on Jakiro, but not terrible either.
- Necrobook is good to win ward wars and counter heroes that rely on invisibility, and Jakiro has no trouble rushing it.
- Arcane aids constant spamming, which can be crucial in push-strats. Only get it when your allies also benefit from it though.
- For THD himself a single voidstone should be enough regen to keep spamming very liberatly. Personal favourite. *RECOMMENDED*
- Force Staff is situationally really useful, and serves as some kind of substitute to blink. remember that you can use the force on EVERY hero, not just yourself.
- Boots of Travel are always welcome on heroes that clear creeps as fast as THD. Recommended if you plan on farming a lot or need the map-control/mobility. A must come lategame.
Note: ONE meka/vlads/pipe is really enough for a team, so ask your allies if they intend to buy one.
Possible luxuries:
So you had to steal all that farm from your carry, didn't you? Or you just killstealed like mad? Alright, no worries, still lots of items you can get.
- Shivas is great on THD. Moar armor, which makes you incredibly tanky for an intelligence hero, the -AS aura, and, last but not least, Arctic Blast synergizes so well with not only your skillset, but also your theme! Really helpful if those mean carries think they can 3-shot the lil support hero.
- Aghanims' stats are frankly not as useful on jakiro as on others because he has very good stats already, still, it improves your ult.The flamestrikes of Macropyre will be created faster, which helps in actually hurting ppl with it. After the release of DotA 6.65 however, this item isn't nearly is a good as before. I recommend to only get it when you have something like Void or Magnus in your team, which give you an easy time landing a full damage Macropyre.
- Hex is just a great item, and jakiro can farm it easily if its needed. you will never have mananeeds again. hexed targets are easy to burn!*RECOMMENDED*
- Blademail is situational, but considering you have to be rather close in clashes to cast your stuff, this might either save your life or deal significant damage when you're on the receiving end of some AoE spells. the armor helps as well.
- Ghost scepter is a good item if you are dealing with a fat carry that has either high hp or magic immunity, hence wont be affected much by a blademail. push the button and he cant touch you. careful though, dont get nuked into the ground while etheral.
Note: Even though THD is a great support hero by nature, he also happens to be a beastly farmer. This makes it perfectly viable to rush one of those luxury items on him. A fast guinsoo for example is always welcome. Just dont steal farm from heroes that need it more than you do.
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