Nerubian Assassin Item Build

The post is Nerubian Assassin Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"

Starting items:


This is the most useful and economical build, giving a lot of stats, mantle to go for a null and later a Dagon, GG branches give the most stats/gold.

If you're going to solo mid, tell your support to buy a chicken; or you can buy it yourself:


At least at 5-10 minutes mark, you should have:

and a 

Get a  later; don't consider upgrading it now, that's enough for your footwear.

Get a  is also good, giving more hp, and the 400-HP heal/ 200-Dps is very nice, especially on a hero go ganking around like you.

Keep a  with you always, too.

When you reach level 6, you should begin to go ganking non-stop. Have your bug burrow at the rune spot, pick the rune whenever possible, sneakily open up ganks for your teammates, esp your carry, to dominate over the enemies.
A miniguide on runes:

Aiming for a  always. Upgrading Dagon lowers its cooldown, reduce its manacost, solve your hunger for mana and gives more damage; those are all useful for your playstyle of an all-round ganker. Getting your level-1 dagon marks a VERY important milestone in your game; you can see that in the table above getting a lvl-1 dagon is usually a leap in your burst damage. Generally, more burst damage --> more successful ganks --> more gold --> more burst damage; repeat this until you reach lvl-5 dagon, so your core should be:


Does this look somewhat strange ? You've never seen any Item Build like this ?. Many of you may question me: "If I have 4x1300=5200 gold, I'd rather save up another 500 gold to go straight for a Hex". This is my argument on this:

Only in some rare situations that you might consider skipping dagon for other items like  to counter enemy invisibility; but in the case of NA  is far more inferior to  due to the fact that this bug got no long disable. You can buy  after you got  or your team has a lot of extreme disablers like Bane, Lion or Rhasta.

Another situation is that you just play as a babysitter for your team carry, giving them lots of killing gold and exp; in this case, you're doing VERY good things, and try to buy wards, dusts (if needed), courier, consumables; try your best so that your carry can "carry" your team to victory. *Not Recommended for Newbie*

Core extension:

 *Strongly Recommended*
This should be your first extension, since it will get you to where you need to gank immediately; with this you just don't miss any chance of ganking. 

You can delay your Dagon upgrading for buying this if you think that you're doing well and that the burst damage at that time is high enough; remember to keep on upgrading Dagon ASAP later if you decide to purchase BoT; if not, keep a TP with you always.
King of all disablers, dream of all casters; this item is always great on every hero, giving you lots of stats, a 3.5 seconds hex and mana regen. A must-get if you have finished your core and the game is gonna last for long.

Any hero should have this in their inventory if the game just doesn't end.
 Get this to counter heroes like Storm or Invoker, they have one thing in similar: without their skills they are not thing more than a big creep.
 OMFG, wtf, you said he cannot be a carry !!! Calm down, get this item just to further increase your damage and chasing potential on enemy casters, this is one of the only 2 orb effects that NA should have. (the other is Cold Attack)
 then to  *Recommended*
This brand new stuff adds an additional nuke and amplifies your magical damage up to 140% (NA is an agility hero, make use of that); that's extreme; get this to have more and more burst damage if you feel that you just don't have enough burst damage with a level-5 Dagon.

The total burst damage that you have when purchase this item is ~2400 (after 25% magical reduction and physical reduction of 10 armor). That's more than enough to take out a late-game caster, and you may consider ganking on enemy carry with allies' help. Remember this order of skills: Vendetta ->Ethereal -> Impale -> Dagon + Manaburn -> More hits and hits. This Item is exclusively created for you by god's will.
 Getting into enemies' formation, knocking out a caster, blasting the rest in the face with your massive ring of ice, very nice in combat and chasing right ?
 and  They are your shield, and will help you to get rid of troubles of being stunned, hexed,..... Very useful on any heroes and throughout the game, too 
 Boost up your HP tremendously, and is a simple but handy survival item. Get this if the game drags on too long.
 As said above, this item is very useful in the whole game, counter ward, sentry, invisibility, giving more damage, more manaburn, more speed 
This is your item of choice if being countered hard by the enemies.
A miniguide on using Blink:

 Another version of Blink, but can't be disabled and you can use this on the opponents; nice INT buff and cheap though.
: Very useful in chasing and giving more damage to your Ethereal Blast, later can be upgraded into : Manta can be used for many purposes: avoid skills, more damage in chasing, causing confusion in combat; the stats are also sweet. Recently, Manta on melee heroes has been buffed by IF 
 This item can create even more havoc in team combat. After casting your combo, turning this on may cause chaos in the enemies' team: "focus you or not ?"
 Hot item this season, with this you can cast one of your skills anytime if needed.
 Skadi is an all-around item, giving tons of stats and the slow attack is useful. Synergize very well with Manta.
 Overkill item, your manapool in lategame can support this, but generally it is too boring to use this item, even though this item coupled with Ethereal & Dagon is an 1-hit-KO Revolver, and can probaly take out any heroes in the game.

This build gives you the highest possible burst damage, and one of the highest in the game. With this you can make a hero disappear from the map just in a few seconds, trust me , it really works:

 and 1 more slot for flexibility in gameplay

Items to forget:

: Hey, I'm coming, use that dust now !!! 
 They are DPS items, but you are a Burst Bug.
 The Backstab bonus damage won't stack with critical strike, don't waste time to test this.
 Expensive 3-piece item, it doesn't really help you except for the amplified damage from "armor penalty + Vendetta". Only get this in pub when you are sure to win.
 Ohh, the generally-considered 'universal' item on every hero. I've seen noobs get them on any hero very often. Personnally, I think only TerrorBlade should go for this; it's a weak hybrid version of Skadi and Manta, and will totally sucks in mid-late and late game.

Items to worry about:

 Oops, watch out for these always. 
 Typical hindrance items for your ganks; make it fast and don't give 'em any chance to use these !!! 
 Extreme HP booster. Don't let that Kotl rush that vanguard and run away laughing at your miserable face.
 This can negate one of your two spells: Impale (if cast right on the linken holder) or manaburn. Impale is undoubtedly vital in your gank, so remember to cast it on the ground to avoid being blocked by Linken.
Dagon has no interaction with Linken, so don't be reluctant.
 Partly reduce your burst damage.

To counter Linken and magical resistance; get  and Ethereal Blast will trigger Linken's cd first, then proceed as usual. It also amplifies magical damage up to 40%, yeh a great way to deal with that HoD.
See now why God grants NA this blade. 

How about Supportive Items ?

If you're going not to kill people but only to protect and set up kills for your carry, then feel free to buy these:
,.. and even  if you have much gold to spend.
Consider buying this item , too. Standard for a supporter and very useful.

Proceed below for Skill Build:

Nerubian Assassin Skill Build

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