The post is Troll Warlord Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"
II.Item Build
Pretty much your average starting build, with 3 GG branches for stats, quelling blade for easier last hits, and a few tangoes and salve for heal.
Although almost the same with the first one, you only have 2 GG branches and you have the slippers to later upgrade to Poor man's shield.
Yep, that's pretty much your core. Seems a lot? Well, you can farm that under 30 minutes provided you only had 2 or less deaths, and you net at least 2 kills. You could also skip the Poor man's shield and rush Treads. If you safely farmed and killed Roshan, then that's your core.
Treads vs Phase
Choosing between Phase and Treads. As all of you know, most build Phase Boots now for the skill "Phase" for chasing enemies, as well as the damage the item gives. Its 50 gold cheaper than Treads, and the damage dealt by Troll is greater. Treads, on the other hand, gives you stats and AS. Which is better for Troll?
Either one is fine, because Phase gives you the power to chase and take enemies faster, while Treads gives you AS and stats. If you want to constantly gank/farm, take Phase Boots then.
Before listing down the items, I'd like to say that these next items are just SITUATIONAL, meaning you don't have to get them unless you really need to. Under any other circumstances, you must not get them so you won't have to delay either your core, or your luxuries which are far more important.
Lothar's Edge: Well, if you really need an escape mechanism if you're focused down too much (even though you have that BKB), and you can't net a kill, get this! It's also good for killing those lone farmers that stray too far from his comrades.
Blademail: I don't really know why the heck you would need this.... But if you face a well farmed Sylla or Mort, then get this (which in most cases if you're equally farmed with them, you can own them pretty easily).
Blink Dagger: This is a more unorthodox type of Lothar's, and you can only buy this if you're bored and you want a whole new experience with Troll. Trust me, this is more fun than using Lothar's (;
S&Y: Well, after a few series of comments, I decided to put this to the Situational
Items. Its a pretty good item for Troll if you can't farm up a luxury and you really need the HP from Sange, and the ms boost from Yasha as well as the Armour. Also, I'm not fan of this item but if you do get this, do it after you get your BKB.
Force Staff: Another unorthodox type of item. It gives you AS and the ability to push yourself or others to the direction your facing. Good for chasing enemies, and when you are really bored against noobs in pubs. Great item when you're a support supporting Troll.
Manta:(Credits for Lycan and Lauty) Another possible core for Troll, delaying your BKB. When you have 2 illusions of yourself in melee form and their bash procs first before yours, the enemy won't be locked in place and won't be bashed. But if you want a longer bash, then attack your enemy first and when the bash procs, let your illusions attack them. Also, when you change forms your manta illusions die instantly, so becareful of that.
MKB: Good against Mortred, Riki, Panda, Butterfly, and every other miss buffs!
Buriza: Trust me, you're enemy will go down in a matter of seconds.
Butterfly: Your dream come true
AC: Armor, Attack Speed, and Reduced Armor to enemies will really benefit you and your teammates for easier team rapes.
Satanic: The very best orb for you, my friend. After this, no one else can kill you
Heart Well, if you need that extra hp to tank more dmg, then get this! No one's stopping you (;
Divine: Ohmai...
Rejected Items
If you ever get at least one of these items, I would be the happiest person in the world to call some psychological help for you. Why? Because these are the worst items you could get for troll!
Honestly? MoM? You already have a freakin' ulti that's like MoM, besides they don't stack.
And if you think Vlads + any other orbs looks nice on paper, it doesn't! I honestly had one game when we were almost winning, but our Troll suddenly got Vlads and then Purge at late game (we fucking told him to get Domi) and guess what? We lost. He couldn't even kill Tiny in late game..
I'd rather drown myself...
Basher won't stack with your Bash, so this is definitely a no-no. (Although a few map versions before when Basher doesn't stack yet, I get this for Troll
Similarly, Fury is not a good item because you won't need the cleave, and you won't get any pros from it. You won't also benefit from the mana regen because you don't really need to use mana. Lastly, you can farm up a better item for Troll that he will greatly benefit from.
Bottle, on the other hand, is for a "ganker" type of Troll. You won't be a ganker because you will be laning for the first few 1-7 minutes, then go jungling. You won't need any bottle for that.
Lastly, you won't benefit anything for being in ethereal form from Ghost Scepter and Ethereal Blade, because you can't attack. And attacking is your greates ability!
Yup! Every single items found here are rejected. Try them at your own risk.
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