The post is Clockwerk Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"
Item builds
Starting item builds (Solo mid/Sidelane)
A very common starting build. Gives you very nice HP for a level 1 hero, decent damage, and plenty of regeneration items. A solid start, and you can get bracers/urn out of gauntlets (or you can just leave them alone, it won't be a drama!)
A variant of the previous build. Less regen, more stats. Decent, but you can't get urn out of the circlets.
Sometimes (Usually in public games), noone will get a chicken (in clanwars/decent level games, your supports buy the chick for you). Clockwerk needs a chicken. Badly. Very badly if he is solo mid, to ferry the precious bottle. You have less stats, less damage and HP, but the chick is really invaluable.
A good start if you expect heavy physical harass on your lane. Stout shield gives you decent damage block: paired with your regeneration items, it should be enough to stand firmly against pesky ranged heroes.
Magic stick as a starting item can be really good against one of the most annoying mid opponents Rattletrap can face: Batrider. Napalm is a very gay spell, but it grants you huge amounts of mana very early in the game (against most other heroes, you can get a stick with your chick a bit later)
This item build goal is to get bottle as soon as possible: you basically only spend 400 gold into starting items, and you only have to farm 400 gold to get the bottle. This can be a really efficient build assuming you know what you are doing.
I still see people playing Clockwerk and going mid (or even worse, to a sidelane) with a naked bottle. This is very, very risky, and will probably fail against a good player: you get no stats to help your vital early last hits and denies, and if you fail to get the first rune, you are basically screwed hard.
Core items
A cheap core, but an effective one. Bottle is gotten first for obvious reason: it gives clock all the mana regen he needs provided he has decent rune control (Easy task considering you have Rocket Flare), and runes are a huge asset when it comes to ganking with Rattletrap.
Magic Wand is a cookie cutter item, viable on almost any hero. Clock, with his low INT gain but cheap spells, is a huge fan of it.
Phase boots are, by far, the best boots available for Clockwerk. The damage is a bit wasted, but less than the AS from Treads, and the burst movespeed/phase ability is invaluable on a hero like clock, who needs to stay up and personal. Sure, the 190 hit points from Treads are not bad, but Clockwerk is not squishy early/mid game even with Phase boots. Boots or travel are just too costly for Rattletrap, and remember that you are not a farmer nor a pusher. Like I said previously, Clock can use his cheap spells on a regular basis with a bottle and decent rune control: you don't need arcane boots, but a support buying them is always welcome.
Urn is viable, but I'm not really a fan of the item. If you started with gauntlets of strenght, feel free to make it.
Extended Core
Aghanim's Scepter gives everything Clockwerk needs: Hit points and mana (Mana>mana regen, considering your low INT gain and dirt cheap spells), and, icing on the cake, Clockwerk's agha upgrade is one of the best in DotA: Ridiculous cooldown reduction (15 seconds is insanely low for such a good ultimate) and ability to target allies (not to stun them obviously, but usually to escape). And you know what? Aghanim's comes in cheap pieces (Point booster only costs 1200 gold), which is just perfect for you and your low farming abilities.
Viable luxuries
In many games, you won't be able to buy these items. But if you are owning/the game is lasting/you are playing -em, then buy these:Hood of Defiance can be very good on Rattletrap, considering he jumps into the heat of battle and is almost always close and personal when it comes to ganks. Getting Hood means you can withstand more damage for your team, and Pipe is definitely a great upgrade when facing AOE spellcasters (Amazing item vs Lich, Tide, QoP, etc...)
A cheap and effective way to get some mana, some armor and a sadistic way to counter burst damage. When you trapped someone inside your cogs, especially if it is a key hero during a teamfight, you'll get focused, and you'll return huge amounts of damage.
A great item on Clockwerk goblin. Gives you plenty of mana, a nifty blast, helps you tremendously against physical damage (Huge armor boost/-AS aura). Don't forget that Clock has low armor (due to his pitiful AGI gain).
Never ending mana and +10 AGI/STR are always handy, but the main point of Guinsoo is the active: Hex is just invaluable and can turn the tides of a game when used against opponent key heroes.
To be honest, you won't get Radiance every game. The item is hard to farm, especially with Clockwerk, and you can only purchase relic after a long streak of kills (and the game is probably decided by then). But still, if noone is building it in your team, Radiance is a very nice item to have: Huge AOE damage that goes very well with your cog+battery combo. Even disabled, you are still a pain.
Heart of Tarasque is another item you won't buy every game, but the raw Hit points it gives, and the nifty regen when out of fights are very good on almost every Strength hero. Works even better with Hood+Blademail.
Very, very nice bonus stats(HP+Mana), summons goes quite well with your skillset (cogs+Battery) if you can micro them properly. Necrobook gives your counterwarding/pushing potential, but you may find it on cd during ganks with your 15 sec cd ultimate, since you can't take the summons with you when using Hookshot.
Getting raped by a horde of physical attackers? This item can help!
Debatable choices
Vanguard is not that bad on Clockwerk even if it was nerfed (some asians players still build it), but it usually delays your Aghanim's (Point Booster gives nice HP and mana, and can be used to make your precious scepter)
If the game turns into a push/backdoor fest, get Boots of Travels. Simple as that: but most games (99% of the time), Phase is more than enough
Black King Bar: This item allows you to do whatever you want with the victim in your cogs without being interrupted, and the stats it gives are decent. Linken's Sphere gives good stats and regen, and spell block is not bad to have either.
But, when you get these items, it's already late game, and any disable/nuke you eat is a disable your carry won't eat: If some angry Lion impales you and then fingers you after you used your spells, it's almost a victory.
Grants a very nice armor boost, and the auras are nice for the team. But the huge attack speed bonus is wasted on you (You are a ganker/initiator, not a carry), and Shiva's Guard is just better overall.
Rejected items
DPS items. Let your Drow or your Medusa carry them, seriously.
Well... Except when playing a terrible pub (i.e: you want to ks people), don't get this.
You are not in the game to farm.
Guess what? You are not here to support either.
Like I said several times, Clock doesn't need huge amounts of mana: rune control and bottle is enough. Not only soulring is quite useless on Rattletrap, but it also drains your Hit points.
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