The post is IO Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"
Starting Items:
Utility Items:or
Always bring with you a Healing Salve or an Ancient Tango of Essifation before leaving the base. Never leave without them. Tango is useful when you want to heal yourself but Salve is better because if you and/or your ally is low on health, Salve will share the heal between both of you in less time than Tango.
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength is a cheap stat item that adds 3 to Strength, meaning +57 to life, +3 to damage and +0.09 to hp regen. It is very useful since Io is very squishy early game. Plus, the Gauntlets can be used later in order to make Urn of Shadows, which is one of Io's core items.
Magic Stick never looses its usefulness, even in mid-late game phase. It is useful when you need that sudden burst in life when you are trying to avoid that last hit to kill you or your ally. Combined with Tether, it's like a free heal and mana for you and your ally, which can save you in tight conditions. Magic Stick can be upgraded to Magic Wand for more charges.
Yes, Io, as a support hero, has the potential to buy Observer Wardsfor the whole team, provided that no one is willing to. Although, some heroes, like CM and Warlock, are better warders that Io, simply because Io needs the gold for healing/support items to support his ally with. Wards provide sight to critical areas in the game, including rune spots, ganking sites and Roshan. Here is a great guide to Warding by Lycan: Seeing is Believing, or Rape.
A Ring of Basilius is a cheap utility item that gives a +3 armor aura, useful when your teammates have very low armor. It's advantage is its cheap gold cost ( 500 ) as it also gives Io extra armor and mana regen. Plus, if your team really need it, you can upgrade it to make Vladimir's Offering to help your teammates by giving them a life steal aura ( melee only ) and a 15% damage aura.
Bottle is another useful utility item as it gives 3 uses of 135 life and 70 mana per use, 405 life and 210 mana in total. A trick BEFORE using bottle is using Tether to any ally to share the heal and mana, regardless of how much life and mana is remaining. Also, runewhoring is not one of your jobs, leave the runes to your ally in the middle lane, as he will need it far more than you do.
Bracers gives an extra 6 strength and 3 to others, a very good but somewhat costly survivability item. You will benefit dearly from the 6 Strength, as it gives you a bonus 114 to max hp, mana, and most of all, armor, regen and damage.
Core Items:
Luxury Items:
Urn of Shadows is a very useful item for a support hero, especially that you are a global ganker, meaning that you can gain many charges when you gank. Urn may be gotten before Boots but Urn must be your first core item. Try to, as much as possible, have Urn before you reach Level 6. Remember that Urn is like Shadow Word, healing 400 to an ally or damaging 200 to an enemy. Plus, it give you 6 Strength, which is basically what you need.
Power Treads gives you 60 move speed, 30% attack speed and +10 to a selected attribute. Most recommended attribute is Strength for obvious reasons, for the extra survivability and damage. PT can be changed to any attribute suiting your needs, and depending on the situation. Treads can be gotten last because it's only use is the +10 to Strength, and your other core items is much more useful than that.
Mekansm is a great item for support heroes, especially for Io. Because of the recent buff, Meka now heal allies in 750 AoE for 250 hp. Plus, combined with Tether, you have the ability to heal anyone for 500 hp, that's pretty OP. Meka should be gotten after Urn of Shadows.
Situational Items:
Heart of Tarrasque is your best Luxury item, even for Io, which is a Strength hero. It gives you all your survivability needs, 40 Strength, 300 life and 2% hp regeneration. It also shares the regeneration to your ally, means 2% of your hp is healed to the Tethered ally every second. If you have no item in mind to buy and have lots of gold, then buy HoT immediately.
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse is another useful item for Io. Another 3.5 second disable for your team goes a long way, especially in mid-late game phase. You won't really benefit from the +35 Intelligence, but the bonus to stats gives you extra survivability. Combined with HoT, you can leave Overcharge active all the time.
Black King Bar is a possible luxury item for Io. Simply because that Io, as a very squishy support, can be the main target in team fights. BKB will give you additional Strength and damage and Magic Immunity on use, which is very useful when facing a nuker team.
Kelen's Dagger of Escape is a versatile item for every hero. For Io, it means extra ninja escaping skills, especially when you know how to deceive opponents. Plus, with Tether, it almost always means a perfect stun to an enemy unit when you blink besides that unit. Just don't forget the maximum range of the link which is 900 or it will break. If you have practiced Io enough, Dagger will not be needed to land a perfect stun.
Mjollnir is a possible luxury item for Io, although, the game will end before you even buy a Mithril Hammer. But Mjollnir combined with Overcharge, plus Io's maximum attack speed of 2-3 attacks per second means total chaos in team fights. You might even kill without noticing it. Mjollnir can also be used as a pushing strategy. 25% chance to deal 160 damage to 4 creeps is pretty OP combined with your attack speed. Plus the Static Charge maybe useful when used on your tank, or someone who gets focused on by physical attacks.
Eye of Skadi is another possible luxury item for Io. Your team needs the 30% slow, especially in chasing. Plus Io will need the extra survivability with Skadi, totaling to a 675 bonus to life and 475 bonus to mana. The only downside to Skadi is its expensiveness, costing 6300 gold.
Vanguard is gotten only when you get ganked all the time. By ganked I mean both you and your ally. It gives you extra survivability in early-mid game phase. Although, Vanguard can be ignored if you get killed all the time BUT still able to gank your enemies pretty well. Plus 2225 gold is pretty expensive, at it will delay your core items a little.
Arcane Boots is a pretty situational item, useful only when you are allies with a nuker team. You would be able to restore up to 250 mana with Arcane Boots. But unlike Power Treads, Arcane Boots loses its usefulness as the game progresses on, because your nuker team will get its mana regen items or so. Plus Io doesn't really need that much mana, he/she needs survivability.
Yes, Io has the possibility to buy Vladimir's Offering for his/her team, if and only if, your team mainly consists of melee physical damage, and they have to farm better items that Vladimir's. Vlads give your melee heroes a 16% life steal aura, 15% damage aura and 5 armor, which is very useful not only to the melee heroes, but also to range heroes and creeps as well. If the possibility of you have to buy Vlads, then finish your core items first before buying it.
Io can buy Helm of the Dominator or Satanic, mainly because of Tether. While Tethered to an ally, every attack you make will cause the lifesteal amount to be shared also with the Tethered unit, useful when your teammate doesn't have any life steal at all and/or he/she needs some life. Both items gives you sruvivability. +5 armor and 15% life steal is useful when it comes to mid-late game. Plus, if you decide to upgrade to satanic then better, it gives you additional 25 Strength and 25% life steal!
Rejected Items:
Dagon is a very expensive item that gives very small bonuses to Intelligence and damage. Dagon is mainly gotten because of the burst damage. I listed Dagon here because most of the players in the world use Dagon to KS from their allies. But Dagon may be a possible item for Io PROVIDED that you use it immediately to an enemy unit, leaving the last hit to your ally and NOT using it to KS.
Io doesn't need DPS items to support his/her allies, he needs supporting items for his team, not damage to KS with. You need to let your carry farm, because your carry is much, much more stronger than you if you bought the same items. Plus, these items are far too expensive.
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This is exactly what i was looking for. thanks. :)