The post is Slither Item Build for RTS Game "HoN"
____________________Slither Item Build
Starting Items
Slither Item Build for Laning+ (
x2) +
+ (
x3 OR
This is the build I always start with, get the mana pots only if you plan on spamming your poison spray, generally I don’t spam it early so I prefer thehealth pot. Also you should be able to finish your Ring of the Teacher pretty early which helps with your mana regen, so less need for mana pots. Get the mana pots over health pot if you think you can survive with only runes regen, otherwise keep the health pot and replace 1 or 2 of the minor totemswith mana pots.
Guardian Ring will build into your Ring of the Teacher which is an excellent laning item to have as you can turn it to only heroes early on to help with mana regen and when pushing later in the laning phase use it on all ally units to buff your creeps to push easier.
Runes of Blight – 90 gold
Health Pot – 100 gold
Guardian Ring – 175 gold
Minor Totem x3 – 53 gold x 3 = 159 gold
Total = 524 gold
Minor Totem
Passive Bonus
+1 Strength
+1 Intelligence
+1 Agility
Value 53
Runes of the Blight
Consumes target tree, healing self for 115 HP over 16 seconds
Value 90
Health Potion
Heals target for 400 HP over 10 seconds, Dispels on damage
Value 100
Mana Potion
When activated, grants +5 Mana Regeneration to self for 20 seconds, dispels on damage
Value 50
Guardian Ring
Passive Bonus
+2 Armor
Value 175
Slither Item Build for Core+
Scarab from side shop to combine with your guardian ring to make your Ring of the Teacher (RotT)
**NOTE: be sure to switch your RotT to “only heroes” right away as you most likely do not want to be pushing your lane this early, you will switch in later on in the laning phase**
Marchers are a given make sure you get them right after your scarab. Alternatively if your lane is being very aggressive you can get Marchers before your scarab to help with chasing enemies that are slowed by you, otherwise finish RotT first)
Next get your Lifetube to build into your Helm of the Black Legion (Hotbl), will also increase your staying power in the lane as this helps your health regen greatly (decreasing the need to return to base)
Power Supply is always an option never really a bad choice feel free to pick it up as necessary
Passive Bonus
+50% Mana Regeneration
Cost 325
Ring of the Teacher
Passive Bonuses
+6 Damage
+3 Armor (Aura affecting Allies)
+0.65 Mana Regeneration (Aura affecting Allies)
Applies an aura to nearby allies. The mana regeneration aura and Armor aura do not stack with Abyssal Skull or Nome's Wisdom.
Cooldown: 1 second
Guardian Ring – 175
Scarab – 325
Total Cost 500
Passive Bonus
+50 Movement Speed
This item contains a passive Movement Speed bonus which does not stack with itself or with Striders, Steam Boots, Ghost Marchers, Plated Greaves or Post Haste.
Cost 500
Passive Bonus
+5 Health Regeneration
Cost 875
Power Supply
Passive Bonuses
+3 Strength
+3 Agility
+3 Intelligence
Restores 10 Health and 15 Mana per charge.
Radius 1200
Aura Effects
1 charge every time an enemy hero on the radius casts a spell. Maximum of 15 charges.
Minor Totem 53
Minor Totem 53
Mana Battery 200
Recipe 240
Total Cost 546
After Core/Luxury+ (
) +
I would say you should always get Helm of the Black Legion (Hotbl) on slither, helps a lot with survivability which allows you to do even more damage in team fights by constantly applying toxicity. It also has a really nice build up as getting your life tube at the side shop helps you stay in the lane and avoid returning to the well.
Nomes Wisdom is an amazing item to get on slither and you should get it right after you finish your boots, RotT will build into it and by the time you get it you will have toxic wards maxed out or close to it, which means you will be spamming wards for pushing and defending, nomes wisdom gives you a heal on spell casts or a damage shield. Since you will be constantly spamming wards you will constantly be getting a heal or have a damage shield! Perfect item for slither to have.
Which Boots to Get?
This is a game time decision, if you are playing more of a full ganking slither and you have a more early game team go with ghost marchers as they help you with chasing slowed enemies and getting better positioning, while adding some damage. If you are going for a full tanky build or semi carry build then you will want to go with steam boots as the mutable stats will help with those play styles.
Either of them are good choices regardless. I feel these are the best two options; all other boots are situational pickups:
I don’t like striders on slither in most situations, however if you are playing a full support slither you will most likely only have the gold for these, try to avoid them otherwise.
You can go with plated greaves if you are using a full push strategy with slither, generally I would only recommend these with a pushing team, and in those cases another push hero would do better with them (i.e. a hero with minions) but slither can pick them up for increased push if needed
Post Haste can be picked up on slither, however in almost all situations there are better things to spend all that gold on, you can get them to help with ganking but I generally do not recommend them.
Optional: If they have a high magic damage team:
Mystic Vestments into Shaman’s Headdress for increased magic armor
**If they have some magic damage but not a lot get only mystic vestments and don’t bother building a whole shaman’s headdress
Helm of the Black Legion
Passive Bonuses
+300 Max Health
+6 Health Regeneration
Blocks damage when attacked, but blocks less damage if wielded by a ranged hero.
*can now be pierced by shieldbreaker
Lifetube – 875
Iron Buckler – 250
Beast Heart – 1100
Total Cost 2225
Ghost Marchers
Passive Bonuses
+24 Damage
+70 Movement Speed
When activated, applies Phased to self for 6 seconds.This item contains a passive Movement Speed bonus which does not stack with itself or with Marchers, Striders, Steam Boots, Plated Greaves or Post Haste.
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Marchers – 500
Punch Dagger x2 – 500 gold x2 = 1000
Total Cost 1500
Passive Bonuses
+25 Attack Speed
+10 Strength/Agility/Intelligence
Marchers 500
Gloves of Swift 500
Bolstering Armband/Fleetfeet/Apprentice's Robe 450
Total Cost 1450
Nomes Wisdom
Passive Bonuses
+4 Strength
+4 Agility
+14 Intelligence
+6 Damage
+50% Mana Regeneration
+3 Armor (Aura affecting Allies)
+1 Mana Regeneration (Aura affecting Allies)
Applies an aura to all nearby allies. The mana regeneration aura and Armor aura do not stack with Abyssal Skull or Ring of the Teacher.
Cooldown: 1 second
Ring of the Teacher – 500
Major Totem – 540
Neophytes Book – 1000
Recipe – 200 gold
Total Cost 2240
Passive Bonus
+50 Movement Speed
Worn by the greatest runners in the history of Man, these Striders allow the wearer to inrease their speed significantly as long as they focus on running. Any other action will break the focus.This item contains a passive Movement Speed bonus which does not stack with itself or with Marchers, Steam Boots, Plated Greaves, Ghost Marchers or Post Haste.
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Marchers – 500
Recipe– 300
Total Cost 800
Plated Greaves
Passive Bonuses
+3 Strength
+3 Agility
+3 Intelligence
+70 Movement Speed
+5 Armor
Target > Allied Creeps
Range > 600
Cooldown > 30 seconds
Mana Cost > 25
When activated, grants bonus damage and deflection to nearby ally creeps. Shares cooldown with Shield of the Five.This item contains a passive Movement Speed bonus which does not stack with itself or with Marchers, Striders, Steam Boots, Ghost Marchers or Post Haste.
Post Haste
Passive Bonus
105 Movement Speed
Mana Cost 75
Cooldown 60
Target ally non-hero unit/structure. After 3 seconds of channeling, teleports to the target, and applies 200 movement speed buff for 5 seconds.
Shares cooldown with Homecoming Stone
Marchers 500
Recipe 2200
Total Cost 2700
Mystic Vestaments
Passive Bonus
+5 Magic Armor
This item contains a passive Magic Armor bonus which does not stack with other Magic Armor items.
Cost 450
Shaman’s Headdress
Passive Bonuses
+10 Magic Armor
+8 Health Regeneration
This item contains a passive Magic Armor bonus which does not stack with other Magic Armor items.
Mystic Vestments – 450
Helm of the Victim – 950
Trinket of Restoration x2 – 350 gold x2 = 700
Total Cost 2100
The build I normally finish off with in most situations is:
+ (
I find this build is more of an all-around build, you have your tankiness from Hotbl and your early mana helping item in Nome’s Wisdom then buildshrunken head to increase staying power in team fights to constantly put out toxicity. Finally finish it off with Frostwolf's Skull for added slow, health, damage and mana. Then I pick one of the final three depending on the need in the specific game:
Sheepstick if I don’t need more damage having a cc item is always useful
Geometer’s Bane if I want to lean more towards semi carry
Nulfire usually only to counter certain heros (madman, jera, etc.)
**if the other team happens to have little to no cc abilities or high magic damage abilities (i.e. Plague Rider/Magmus ult) and in theory this shouldn’t happen if they picked well, but if it does you can skip shrunken head and pick another item suitable for the game you are in**
Other Item Build Options:
Full Carry Build (the competitive/”Trixi” build):
Shrunken, Geometer's Bane, Riftshards, Wingbow
**only recommended if you have no other carry
Full Tanky Build:
Shrunken, Demonic, Frostfield Plate, Behemoth Heart
Full Support/CC Build:
Barrier Idol, Sheepstick, Hellflower