Nerubian Weaver Item Build

The post is Nerubian Weaver Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"

Nerubian Weaver Item Build:

Starting Items for Nerubian Weaver




Justification: Slippers of agility and Circle of nobility will make your stats higher. You can use these later to upgrade to 2x Wraith Bands. Ancient tango of essifation is needed to restore your hp due to creep hits, hero harassment, ect (you're squishy remember?). The second build is the more hp/mana restoring type of build in cases you will need to shukuchi more times, stay in lane longer. You can upgrade Magic Stick to a Wand later.

Core Items  for Nerubian Weaver






Justification: These are your core items. You should do only one of the three recommended choices above. The second one is cheaper and is crucial for survival early game since it always blocks 10 damage. I would usually go for it but some people think that Vanguard (discussed later) is a better option. Don't make the second option if you're planning on doing Vanguard later. The mana regneration from the items of the third build is quite nice so from here you probably won't have much mana problems until the end of the game. Medallion of Courage increases your armor which is also extremely important and counter illusion heroes (explained below).

Situational/Luxury Items  for Nerubian Weaver


Justification: Manta is one of the best luxury items for weaver. The illusions are very useful since they damage and confuse opponents both at the same time. The stats, attack speed and damage from illusions come nicely as you are a carry. Also, I don't think I need to mention it but Manta can also be used to dodge some non-instant spells.


Justification: Probably the item that weaver mostly needs. This should be done right after you've done your core items because 20 damage block is not much for a squishy hero as yourself and it loses its effectiveness late game, still better than nothing. So you better do it quick.


Justification: Simply an epic item for weaver. Gives him dps. Imagine this as another geminate attack skill with a percent chance and no cooldown! And you can upgrade it toburiza for even more damage! The critical strike activates at the second hit (from geminate attack) though.


Justification: Not a very usual build for weaver but useful nonetheless. The slow comes in handy when chasing enemies, HP, attack speed, movement speed too (although you are spamming shukuchi this comes useful when you're out of mana and forced to walk).


Justification: This item was practically made for weaver and the gold it costs is totally worth it. I mean, it gives str, HP (survivability), agi (attack speed, armor = survivability), int, MP (mana = spam shukuchi more), slowing your enemies (second hit). What more do you need?


Justification: Another item you should definitely make. The main reason why you should spend 5150 gold on Radiance is the epic synergy with sukuchi. Think of it this way. Go shukuchi, pass through an enemy, wait 3 seconds or what's left of it. Attack the enemy. Repeat. Now what's the damage of just the sukuchi? Well 120 + 4 * 40 = 280. w00t! Is that just from sukuchi and radi? Yes it is.


Justification: You're in late game and you have damage/luxury items and lacking decent attack speed? Then butterfly is a good choice. Not to mention evasion = survivability.


Justification: Just what you need to stay out of stuns and spells while you unleash your deadly dps. Gives strength and damage too and it won't take too long to make as it isn't much expensive.


Justification: Medallion of Courage suggested by No0b.1337 can also be very useful when dealing with illusion fags like Azwraith, Nevermore, ect. Don't worry about losing 6 armor because that armor is given to you by the item itself and works when Valor isn't active. So armor boost for your hero + knowing which hero is the right hero to attack. Awesome. 


Justification: Another boost for dps. You should make this item not for the fact that it has True Strike (True Strike won't work with geminate attack though so better turn it off before using) but because of the fact that you can get two minibashes in a row. That's 200 bonus damage. Whoa. The minibash is also viable for stopping teleporting heroes since Weaver doesn't have anything to stop them with. So MKB solves that problem too.


Justification: Linken is a viable item for Weaver. Besides the spell block. It gives extra mana/hp regeneration and stats so you can spam shukuchi more than you normally would.


Justification: Boots of travel: Good choice. Late game it gives Weaver some sort of "Global Presence" allowing him to do multiple things such as pushes, defs, ect. It also increases your ms when you're out of shukuchi.Phase boots: If you're making this make it early game. The damage from it is quite nice early game (2 * 24 = 48) and it won't hurt if you have another skill that lets you pass through creeps.

Rejected Items  for Nerubian Weaver

Justification: Weaver is a non lifesteal carry hero. Make any lifesteal item on him, your geminate attack won't work and you're fucked. I don't even need to add hover text and mention the price since it's that bad. Same goes for other orb effects.

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