The post is Chipper Item Build for RTS Game "HoN"
Chipper can go in both solo lanes, the starting item builds are different:
- solo sidelane (1) (512 gold spend)
With this build, you can get a fast ring of the teacher from the outpost in order to dominate your opponent. While doing this, you will be able to harass the opponent a lot and have good regeneration until you get your bottle as well.
- midlane (2) (259 gold spend)
This is a bottle rushing strategy, you will have good stats at the start and have your bottle before the enemy. With this you can out harass & last your opponent in the early game.
For the sidelane, you will be rushing a Ring of the Teacher(500).
For both lanes, you will get a Bottle(600) as well. Though some may detest a bottle in the sidelane, I find it very useful in winning the lane, usually making a kill. After that I will go back to base and continue to gank an other lane.
After getting your bottle, the best thing to do is get your marchers(500).
Depending on your needs, you can get a Power Supply(546) or a Blood Chalice(625). Do not get chalice when in a sidelane though, as you already have a ring of the teacher.
These 2 boots are usually the best for chipper. When choosing between these you will have to take your future items in to consideration. If you want to get a portal key after, steamboots(1450 total) will be the best choice as you will get some stats. When you don't think you need a portal key you should get ghost marchers(1500 total) and get other items (with stats) faster.
Post Haste(2700 total) is not very bad on chipper, you can get them if you are doing really good in farm. Post Haste is a very underrated item, it helps chipper a lot with ganking because of the fast ms and the ability to gank->port->gank a lot faster due to chipper's low cooldowns.
This is where you will get your last core item which is your Staff of the Master(4400).
SotM is extremely powerful on chipper because of the slow it applies. It makes the ultimate from a ganking tool & some damage in team fights to a monster game changer. Especially strong against melee heroes as they will not be able to chase anymore and it works extremely well with numerous other heroes.
Portal key(2150) is also an item you can get...
As said before, it is a tool to help you gank. Though your skills are long range, in the midgame some heroes will be able to either survive your initial burst, escape with their skills or not even get to be ganked due to well placed wards and defensive play. Portal key helps you move around the map and make your ganks a lot stronger. The big con though, is that it does not give you any stats or regeneration, forcing you to usually going back after blowing your "load" rather than going to your next target or farm.
A sheepstick(5675) is always extremely strong in the late game. It also gives Chipper what he lacks, a solid disable. It also gives you some health, which is always nice.
Just like sheepstick, a hellflower(4725) gives chipper a strong disable. A hellflower lasts longer and makes you deal more damage but has no slow and gives no survivability.
Nomes Wisdom(2240) is the item that you can turn your ring into. It gives you some nice stats and its extra effect is always nice for both you and your allies.
A tablet of command(2040) is a great item in general, it gives you a good escape and some good basic stats. It also makes you a lot more mobile, better at ganking and supporting teammates.
The reason I didn't put Spellshards(2575) in the main item list is because I feel that the item is usually not worth getting over the others. It is a very strong item and adds a lot of damage, but it's problem is that it doesn't add any survivability or mobility. It also doesn't give you a disable, which you will usually have to get in the late game (like sheepstick or hellflower). You can get this item if you don't need all of that and want to go for full damage. If this is the case, you usually get it before your staff of the master.
Stormspirit(2800) is a good item in general, but it has an extra use in the case of Chipper. When combining this with his ultimate, the initial damage will trigger twice. Usually dealing a bit more damage and obviously the ability to always hit your tar toss on MAX is nice. It also gives you some extra mobility.