Mortred Item Build

The post is Mortred Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"

Mortred Starting Item Build: - 421 gold

Quelling Blade: Mortred is a hard carry. And in order for her role to complete, she needs alot of damage dealing items which costs high enough. And so, Quelling Blade gives us some potential in farming and also a good percentage bonus which makes our last-hitting more easier. Dispose once you get Dominator because the lifesteal and the bonus don't stack.

GG Branches (A.K.A Ironwood Branches): GG Branches is a great item which gives us some attribute bonuses for a low cost. Though we need 2, they are still great and also disposable.

Ancient Tango of Essifation: A decent healing item, and costs 10 gold less than Salves. We take Tango since we need last-hitting and farming to get our items.

Mortred Core Items: - 11110 gold 

Helm of the Dominator: Dominator is a fast and free item which gives us lifesteal and also 20 damage. It also gives us armor and makes farming much easier.

Battlefury: Bfury, one of the damage dealing items, and Mortred needs it very much in order for her critical to proc with an even higher damage. Also, the cleaving makes farming more easier, with some possible regen.

Wraith Bands: Gives us good stat bonuses and also some damage. It's also disposable when you want to sell them for other luxury items to take their places.

Poor Man's Shield: A fantastic item on Mortred. Though we don't need Vanguard's damage block, Poor Man's is an easy item to farm up for, and gives us good damage block when farming for other big consecutive items. Thanks to Val for the item!

Power Treads: Of all our boots, we choose this boots. Treads not only gives us attack speed, it also gives us another great stat bonus, but it gives 10 to only 1 attribute. Which do we give it to? Obviously Strength due to the very low health of Mortred's. We don't need Agility due to Phantom Strike, and not Intelligence since we don't need alot of mana, nor the extra mana to cast our spells.

Black King Bar: A great item, and thanks once again to Val, we are swapping it back to core. Mortred's low health is very low, and we obviously need some extra help and also a buff. The Ogre Axe in the recipe gives a great help in Mortred's low health and also some extra damage. BKB is very essential against nukers and stunners. 10 Avatar is long, so use it when you need it.

Mortred Luxury Items:

Satanic - 6150 gold: One of the best items in DotA, and it became better with Mortred. Mortred's low health can be countered by buying Satanic because it gives 25 Strength, which buffs up Mortred's Strength, affecting her health in the process. A must buy after core if you still feel that your health is still too low.

Heart of Terrasque - 5500 gold: Another great counter to Mortred's low hp. This time, it gives much more bonuses with a hp boost of 300. You might think that the passive is not good for Mortred. But think again. With Blur at level 4, you can easily hide and regain your health like X-Men's Wolverine.

Divine Rapier: - 6200 gold: The best damage item, has just got better with Mortred. With the 250 damage, it makes Mortred get a 4 digit critical alone! This item is not to be joked when Mortred buys it. It's better for the enemies of Mortred to stay away as far as you can.

Aegis of the Immortal - Priceless: Late game Rosh - and this is the payout. It gives you a VERY immortal feeling, and makes you almost a hero to be reckoned with.

Monkey King Bar - 5400 gold: MKB, or Monkey King Bar, is actually one of those high boom damage items. Of course, when worked with Mortred, she might just get those 4 digit criticals having the blasts. If your red critical doesn't show up, not to worry, it doesn't mean they don't critical. It's just that they deal the damage, but don't show up. Use it against people who bought Butterfly to take them out, to let them know that PA is one the heroes that hate that item.

Rejected Items:

The Butterfly - 6000 gold: Evasion doesn't stack. Total waste when you've got everything Bfly has.

Buriza/Crystalys - 5800/2200 gold: Hey crazy, you've got a critical and you still want another one?

Lothar's Edge - 3400 gold: Too much over-disappearing can be alot of trouble.

Items that counters Mortred:

Blademail - 2200 gold: The one and only item that counters Mortred very hard. Blademail returns ALL your critical hits, making them dealing damage to you! Also, Blademail can't be dropped, so killing the hero and destroying it would be of no use. It would be best to STOP AUTO-ATTACKING once the enemy turns on Blademail. Once the spikes go off, finish the enemy off.

Ghost Scepter: A true touch of the boomshock, but not really clearing enough. Ghost Scepter heroes escapes your DPS strikes and eventually escape unharmed. And for Mortred, within those 4 seconds, she can particualarly deal a large amount of damage if her critical proc during that time. All in all, Ghost Scepter is a bad news for Mortred.

Monkey King Bar: As much as this item is good for you, it is an enemy of you in it's list. MKB goes through Blur, which means it's True Strike kinda' puts your dodge out of place and makes it much useless. As long as you see a Demon Edge, or Javelin's, kill that hero immediately to stop them from getting MKB to destroying you. If not, just try to kill that hero first and all will be fine. If not, call an ally and finish him.

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