Enchantress Item Build DotA
Enchantress Item Build DotA
A very good starting combination, with plenty of stats, especially much needed strength, some regen items. Icing on the cake, the two gauntlets can be used to build Urn of Shadows.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Another strong starting combination, with stats, armor and regen. This is what you want when you plan to get Ring of Basilius instead of Urn of shadows
Enchantress Item Build DotA
This gives a bit of every attribute, can be upgraded into nulls/bracers, but you get less regen. With the recent buff to bracers and nulls, this is a viable alternative.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
This is the build you want when you somehow end buying your team's courier (I.e, when you are playing a pub where noone wants to buy or share one, or when you are asked to buy chick/wards in a clan game). Some stats and a good amount of regen items, and more importantly the precious courier.
Core items
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Power treads are pretty much the only boots Enchantress can afford after the STR nerf. They give you much needed hitpoints (you can also abuse the switch when jungling to keep your mana high), the AS bonus is nothing gamebreaking but still decent. Phase boots are useless for you (the damage is pathetic compared to Impetus, you don't really need the burst ms considering your potent slow), Arcane boots are overkill early game and not enough to spam Impetus later, and Boots of Travel are just too costly (and they don't give any survivability either).
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Make your choice (Note: Nulls are a viable but risky alternative to bracers. Less hitpoints, more damage and mana)! These items share one thing: they give you cheap survivability (3 armor/6 STR) and some mana to boot (Brilliance aura/50% mana regen/3 INT). Ring of Basilius is probably the most common one (sometimes paired with one bracer), but if noone is getting Urn in your team, it can be a quite amazing tool.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
With the recent addition of Aghanim's Scepter to Enchantress (Thank you Icefrog!), Point Booster is now the wet dream of Bambi. Hitpoints, mana, and one big step toward Agha
Enchantress Item Build DotA
After 6.68, Aghanim's Scepter is now easily the best item Aiushta can get. Epic boost to your survivability (+390 HP), to your mana pool and, in my opinion, one of the very best scepter upgrade in the game. +150 range, and not only when you are orbwalking. This means you can now stand 700 units away while orbwalking someone to death. Enchantress revolves around dishing high amounts of damage while dancing on the battlefield borders, and Agha helps you tremendously in doing so.
Viable luxuries
Enchantress Item Build DotA
The most popular luxury in competitive games (and her former core item before the introduction of Agha), Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse solves your mana problems (late game, you are a mana whore), allowing you to spam Impetus freely. The active is also invaluable: 3.5 seconds of disable, best used on key heroes (disablers, carries) or on any bastard trying to cut your pretty throat.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Shiva's guard, unlike Guinsoo, doesn't provide huge mana regen (you still get huge amounts of mana pool). But the armor and the -AS aura are very handy against teams based on physical damage. The frost blast is also quite cool to get more Impetus hits on the slowed target (and you finally get some kind of AOE).
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Bloodstone gives you both hitpoints and mana (if you manage to survive through a teamfight, the mana regen from the charges is enough to spam Impetus and all your skillset). The problem is, Guinsoo appears to be superior (less hitpoints, but reliable mana regen and an invaluable hex). Bloodstone is still a viable luxury, especially if your team is owning.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
You don't like nukers. You hate those pesky heroes trying to insta kill you. This item can help quite a bit, provided you acquired enough hitpoints to make him effective, which is why you should get it as a luxury, after your scepter.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Forcestaff is a very fun luxury. It gives you two things: good stats (20 damage, some AS and some INT) and the hilarious active. You can use it to increase your Impetus damage, to reach an enemy or to escape one. A versatile item!
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Linken's Sphere can be quite cool on Enchantress (the spell block is of course very nice, and the stats+regen are not bad either), but I would buy Guinsoo over it anyday, except against two heroes: Doombringer and Vengeful Spirit. Let it be clear, you can't afford to get doomed (congrats, you are now useless for 14 seconds) or swapped into 4 angry people (1,2,3, dead Bambi).
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Dagger is a decent luxury (Escape mech and a way to increase Impetus damage) when it comes to organized games, where positioning is crucial. In public games, Forcestaff is much more useful.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
The definite way to make you tanky. Heart of Tarrasque is a very late luxury (get it if the game is lasting 90 minutes), but will make you insanely hard to kill.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
"But, Syaska, you said that BoT were too costly!". Yes they are, but when the games turns into a push fest, the free TP becomes invaluable.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Physical DPSers can't attack you for 4 seconds, but you can still orbwalk their asses. Har har har. Be very careful when using this, you will fall in a matter of seconds against nukes!
Debatable items
Enchantress Item Build DotA
The stats it gives ain't bad, and you have a slow for the minions, but have fun microing minions when you are trying to orbwalk someone. And Enchant only lasts for 5.5 seconds.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Linken's Sphere is usually superior considering the fact that you should not be in the heat of the battle to eat 50 disables. Still, if the opponents are focusing their hatred on you, this can prove very useful.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Gives ok mana regen and the active can be quite cool especially with a dagger. Problem: this gives you 0 survivability and you are usually better building a Guinsoo.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Insane mana regen and some nice damage. Again, gives you 0 survivability and the active is completely outshadowed by hex, except against some heroes like Storm or AM. If you get it, get some hitpoints before.
Rejected items
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Orb effects. You already have Impetus, and nothing you can buy comes close to that.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Raw damage items. Your damage comes from Impetus. If you want to do more damage, buy mana regen and attack speed, not these items.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
You have 1.0 STR gain. Radiance is definitely not for you.
Enchantress Item Build DotA
You are not in the game to killsteal people, and the stats from Dagon are just supbar
Enchantress Item Build DotA
Your ultimate has no cooldown, Enchant is fairly spammable and spending 5300 gold for a double heal isn't a good idea.