The post is Item Build for RTS Game "DotA"
ItemsUseful Items
Capitalize out of the spells the enemies cast. It's a must.
Useful to deny the enemy from runewhoring and you can also capitalize out of the runes. Not a must.
High mobility for ganking. If you're soloing, BoT could be a good choice provided that other heroes have it too. See FAQ for more info about 6.64 and boots.
The best item for Lion. You throw in a disable, activate the item, issue the necros to attack the foe, go back to yourself and throw another disable, issue mana burn with the necros and more attacks, go back to yourself and finish with ult if necessary. Remember to attack the foe yourself too.
It's one of the best ganking items on the game, deals way more damage than Dagon, has mana burn/feedback, endurance aura and last will. Upgrade it ASAP.
Also, Necronomicom boosts your stats nicely.
Works if you can get it at 20 mins tops. After that, it won't do well. Also, you don't upgrade it. It's a good item actually, you get a lot of burst damage and you become able to 1 hit people.
Dagon has no casting time, unlike your ult. Use it to right after a disable.
More disable'ing time. Very useful if you have heroes that can deal loads of damage on your team, not only initiators/supports. Has 800 casting range.
Euls is a great item for Lion, can be considered to be core on Lion if you go for Euls build. It is yet another disable, easy to build up and very useful to buy time for your other disables to be ready once again, also to buy time for yourself and dodge projectiles with it.
Now that it's cheap, it's an item to be considered. You may get it even if you aren't soloing. Gives you more burst damage, hp and mana.
Good for insta-gibs, ganks and surprise buttsecks. Gives you mobility if you need it. And it's not too expensive.
If you got BoT, Shiva's will do wonders for you because it'll boost your Armor and also give you burst+slow.
Also, Shiva's stands for one of the most expensive builds, that is Aghanims or Bloodstone, BoT and Shivas, in this order. It can be expensive, but it does work nicely also.
Situational Items
Bracers are very useful. But not always. Most of the times, you'll find yourself out of slots because you'll already be carrying Observer Wards + Sentry Wards + TP Scroll. There are 3 slots gone. Moreover, you need Boots and Magic Wand. There are 5 slots. Going to fill your precious last slot with a Bracer? Not really recomended, a Point Booster is yes more expensive, but can be upgraded and gives you a mana boost that is necessary for you to get level 3 ult. It's really mana intensive (650 mana each 55 seconds).
Yes, they are useful. You may want to buy one of those when you're supporting/ganking/roaming and even if you're soloing and you're already beefy provided that your team needs them.
You are not supposed to get it on Lion, but it works nicely on any hero, so I'm listing it here. It's cheap and can help you and your team to gank. You can speed up heroes to catch up and also take the enemies to you fast.
Tanking items.
Rejected items
No no no no no. If it happens for you to get Guinsoo / Euls / Aghanims / Dagon, then it's useful. But, instead of buying the Refresher Orb, leave the game because you're wasting your time. You aren't supposed to have this many items on Lion. If you don't have all those items, then it's not useful because you won't have the mana to use it to it's full potential and your ult doesn't have long cooldown, so it's lame.
DPS items are rejected.
Item Builds
Aghanims Build
- At base -
- 5 min mark -
- 10 min mark -
- 15 min mark -
- Afterwards -
- Extensions -
Solo build
Example: Necronomicom + Aghanim's build.
Guinsoo + Euls and Dagon + Bloodstone follow the same concept.
- At base -
- 7 minutes mark -
- 12 minutes mark -
- 17 minutes mark -
- 25 minutes mark -
- Afterwards -
Proceed below for Skill Build:
Lion Skill Build